OSCDA Honor BandsAuditions
Grades 7-8 School Fee: $100 First Deadline ($15 per entry): September 13 Second Deadline ($45 per entry): September 20 Emergency Entry ($100 per entry): Contact Audition Chair Grade 9 School Fee: $100 First Deadline ($20 per entry): September 13 Second Deadline ($45 per entry): September 20 Emergency Entry ($100 per entry): Contact Audition Chair Grades 10-12 School Fee: $100 First Deadline ($20 per entry): September 13 Second Deadline ($45 per entry): September 20 Emergency Entry ($100 per entry): Contact Audition Chair |
Entry ProceduresOSCDA entry info will be sent to directors by email.
OKMEA entries will be submitted through G-Toms. High School Directors: You will be required to provide your NAfME card at both the district and final auditions. This verifies your current active membership in the organization. You may not simply provide your membership number as proof of compliance. Please request replacements for lost or misplaced cards and/or correct any lapse in membership so your students can be permitted to audition. Director Contact Information FormDirectors, please complete THIS FORM to ensure we have your most current contact information.
Clinic Info
- January 16-17, 2026
- University of Oklahoma